Your Final Migration: 

5 Training Trends to Guide Your Choice of Learning Technology


Join us for an insightful pre-recorded webinar where our industry experts share their first-hand experiences finding the right technology to supercharge your learning business. Featuring respected industry analyst John Leh of Talented Learning and Educate 360’s Chief Strategy & Commercial Officer, Amy Farber, this session promises to deliver valuable lessons from true training experts as they unpack how these five trends can affect your choice in learning tech:

  • Putting an End to the “Build or Buy?” Debate
  • Considering All-Purpose vs. Specialized Platforms
  • Evolution of LMS, from Products to Solutions 
  • AI Integration and Ethical Considerations
  • Measuring Business Impact

In the webinar moderated by Thought Industries’ Senior Director of Customer Engagement & Strategy, Karen Swindells, Mr. Leh will discuss the current training industry landscape and how to select the technology that best aligns with your business. Ms. Farber will unveil Educate 360's growth journey and discuss their strategic shift away from a homegrown LMS to a comprehensive learning solution. You'll learn how Educate 360 leveraged technology to automate event management, tailor learning paths, and increase customer lifetime value.

If you’re considering a switch in learning technology, don't miss this opportunity to hear from experts who know the process best so you can find a solution that delivers on your goals.

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